20” Pitch Sea Ray Outboard Boat Propellers 135 HP 1987 & Newer

Sea Ray 135 HP 1987 & Newer Outboard Propellers

You Are Viewing Available Prop Pitches For:

  • Manufacturer: Sea Ray
  • Horsepower: 135 HP
  • Years: 1987 & Newer
  • Model: 135 HP Outboard
  • Specs: Thru Hub Exhaust & 15 Tooth Spline, V-6 Gearcase
  • Prop Pitch: 20”
2-Piece Props
Aluminum vs. Stainless Steel
3 vs. 4 Blades
Stainless Steel Propellers
Stainless Steel propellers are stronger & more durable than aluminum, offer ultimate top speed & better acceleration.

Stainless Steel 4 Blade Propellers:

Part #

3 vs. 4 Blade Props


3-blade props are great on most boats as they offer good all around performance, better efficiency, and can achieve higher speeds. Switching from 4 to 3-blades generally requires a 1" pitch increase.


4-blade props work well with bass, pontoon & high performance boats as they provide better acceleration, keep a boat on plane with fewer RPM's, and produce less vibration at high speeds. Switching from 3 to 4-blades generally requires a 1" pitch decrease.

Prop Diameter

Prop fit on the boat is not affected by diameter Prop fit on the boat is not affected by diameter.

Diameter is the width of the circle that the prop would make when rotating.

Prop diameter does not affect the fit of the prop on a boat.

The diameter of your prop can vary by up to 1/2" with no discernable change in performance.

Caution: Before increasing the diameter of your prop, make sure there will be enough clearance between the blades and cavitation plate or anode on your engine.

Aluminum vs. Stainless Steel Props


Aluminum props are a great choice for small and medium sized boats. They are inexpensive and under normal conditions can last for many years. When running your boat in an area where striking the bottom is likely, aluminum blades can flex, helping prevent damage to your engine.

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel props are ideal for large or heavy boats and boats running in saltwater. Although more expensive than aluminum, stainless steel props are more durable and will last longer. When running your boat at speeds over 50 mph, stainless props will perform better than aluminum.

2-Piece Props

2-Piece propellers consist of the outer prop housing and a removable center hub.

The removable hub easily slips into the outer piece, allowing you to have multiple props for different applications at a lower price. When the prop blades become worn or damaged they can be replaced while keeping the same hub piece.

2-piece propellers perform the same as the 1-piece/fixed hub versions.

Prices listed include both the housing and appropriate hub.
Both parts are added to your cart making it easy to find your complete propeller.

Propeller Help Guide

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